Direct email marketing allows you to reach your customers, and increase repeat business opportunities

-in E-newsletters allow you to begin conversations with people who want to learn more about your business.

Boost brand loyalty with customised email newsletter design

A direct email marketing campaign allows you to talk to customers regularly in a personal, friendly way. We can streamline your online marketing campaign, by designing an e-newsletter which matches your website and brands personality.

Email marketing is efficient, cost effective, with great chance of ROI

Targeted email marketing generates qualified leads for your business, and allows you to build and maintain an on-going relationship with your customers. We work with you to access mailing lists relevant to your industry and customers, so you can deliver your brand’s message to your target market.

Tracked results for complete email campaign management

Email marketing not only creates increases and reaffirms brand awareness, but also creates traceable conversations. Discover how many people opened, read and clicked through your email. Detailed reports allow you to tweak your campaigns so you can improve every time.

Some good pointers on Email Marketing

1. Focus above the fold - make sure that your key call to actions/offers/information resides above the fold. Make sure your logo appears in the top 12cms of your email marketing and start your conversation early that way you provide the viewer feels inclined to read on.
2. Personalise your message - a bit of personalisation does boost response rates. Try segmenting your email lists around post codes/geographies/ages/genders thereby demonstrating to them that you really know, respect and care about them.
3. Write in an approachable, personal manner - too often impersonal and formal emails are received. Email gives us a rare chance to have one on one conversations quickly with a huge amount of people. Give your next campaign a human element speaking to them in an approachable, conversational tone.
4. Sending timely and targeted follow ups - trigger emails at the appropriate time zones where they reside.
5. Power of landing pages - email is a front door to other things. Sending the recipient to customised landing pages that are targeted will always increase conversion and acquisition.

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