Elite Hostels
Elite hostels is located in a unique serene environment overlooking the Ngong hills on one side and the Nairobi national park on the other. |
Impact Sourcing Kenya
Enablis Rockefeller Impact Sourcing Project (ERISP) is an initiative of Enablis Entrepreneurial Network East Africa Ltd (Enablis) supported by The Rockefeller Foundation. Click Here |
GBC Domain Registration Application
Register your domain and apply for web hosting packages direct from Facebook. The App is user friendly and has a great outlook. |
GBC Web Solutions Application
View GBC services and contact us/ give feedback while still on Facebook. |
Impact Sourcing Kenya Enablis Rockefeller Impact Sourcing Project (ERISP) is an initiative of Enablis Entrepreneurial Network East Africa Ltd (Enablis) supported by The Rockefeller Foundation. |
GBC It is used for client, investor and general public communication. Enquiries or concerns are received by the customer care department through this channel. |
Linked In
GBC It is used by the company for networking, recruitment and sales. |
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